Soul 2 Vision | Vision, Coaching & Strategy

Soul Moments & Learning

<h2 id="content">Content</h2>

We offer the following healing sessions, live sharing in truth (or online when possible):

Aqua Healing TM & classes, to receive an amazing waterhealing experience and/or learn to give :

A newly progressive program which embraces thousands of years of teaching and new ways of deep relaxation. Aqua healing is an integration of energy and bodywork, meditation and movement in warm water. A session nourishes the soul and allows you to relax, trust and surrender on a very deep level.

For more information, please go to: Aqua Healing ->

Pranic Healing & classes, to rebalance, heal traumas and act in emergencies and/or learn yourself:

A purifying and energizing healing of your energyfield, including a sharing of your experience and what is present in the moment. You connect with your Soul and have the opportunity to feel that you are deeply loved and love yourself. Soundhealing & Meditation may be part of the meeting.

Soundhealing & Meditation classes, to connect with your essence and learn to stay connected:

Sound has been used as a healing force for thousands of years. All ancient civilizations used sound for healing. Soundhealing is the use of sound frequencies and/or the use of mantras to reinforce the sacred geometry in our inner worlds and restore the harmony and peace in our body/mind. It is coming home after having been away maybe already for a long time. The way we use soundhealing is using your voice and be active yourself entering in deep meditational states. We share this every week in a small group in an Inner Circle and we offer this as individual sessions. Soundhealing and Meditation can be also given online. Connect with us.